May is almost upon us! Aside from beautiful New York spring weather, we are extremely excited for the houseplant of the month - the elegant calla lily! This beautiful flower has exotic roots, originating from South Africa, where it was discovered by botanists in the 18th century. Because of its origins, this funnel shaped flower prefers bright lights and moderately warm temperatures. The blossom comes in many varieties, including red, pink, cream, yellow, purple, orange, white and even black! The calla lily's fame isn't just because of it's exotic color varieties. It is traditionally a symbol of purity and sympathy, and rose to fame due to artist Georgia O'Keeffe's many paintings of the flower!
To care for your calla lilies, give the plant water once or twice a week and a little plant food, too. If you begin to notice the leaves of your plant drooping, water it immediately! The plant can flower from three to eight weeks, and autumn when it has finished and begins to yellow, stop watering it and keep it in a cool, frost free place. In the spring you can revive it by putting it in a warm place and giving it water.