Flower & Plant Care guide
Taking care of your blooms can be stressful, so we're here to help. If you have any other questions, we're only a call away!
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Cut Flower Care
Inspect the Water

Make sure your vase is filled with cool water & stir in flower food according to packet. Ensure the water in the vase is clear. If not, replace right away. Flowers drink a lot, so top up the water regularly.
Vase Location
Position your flower arrangement in a cool, draft-free area. Avoid direct sunlight and places like directly under ceiling fans, on top of radiators, or on windowsills with the heating vent below.
Water Change

Every 2 days, carefully pour out the old water and replace it with fresh, cool water. The flowers get pretty thirsty; this is especially true for the first couple of days. Upon arrival, place flowers in a full vase of water. Be sure to check water level twice a day, especially the first two days. Our flowers are cut and delivered very fresh, therefore still very much alive and thirsty!
Remove Wilting Flowers

Regularly inspect the arrangement for wilting or dead flowers and remove them as they can produce bacteria and kill the other flowers. Foliage sitting in the water will rot and make the flowers in turn rot. Plus, it makes the water icky and stinky, keeping the water foliage-free will keep the water clear and fresher longer.
Avoid Fruit

Don't place your flower arrangement near fruit. The ripening fruit releases small amounts of ethylene gas which can reduce the longevity of your floral arrangement. The release of ethylene from the fruits/veggies can affect the flowers and cause them to wilt and wither away much faster.
Orchid Care
Position your orchid in a location with bright, indirect sunlight. At least 6 hours of indirect sunlight (bright shade) a day. An east-facing window is best.
Water Sparingly

Water sparingly to avoid over watering. 1oz of water PER STEM every 14 days (2 oz for a double orchid, 3 oz for a triple orchid, etc). Pro Tip: Most people tend to overwater their orchids...if anything, it's best to underwater them!
Succulent Care
Water Sparingly

Water sparingly to avoid over watering. 1oz of water every 10-14 days. Also know that succulents have a dormant period when don't need as much water then. Generally this is in the cooler months of the year. Since they aren't actively growing, they don't use up as much water. You should only be concerned about dying leaves if the newest or uppermost leaves on your succulent are shriveling. If it's just the ones near the bottom of the stem (closest to the soil), you don't have anything to worry about!
Snake Plant Care
Snake Plant Care
Snake plants perform well in any light, but best in bright, indirect light. Water weekly and allow soil to dry completely in between waterings. During summer months, water plant when top inch of soil is dry.
Bird's Nest Fern Care
Bird's Nest Fern Care
Ferns prefer low to medium light - indirect or partial sunlight is best. Water weekly and allow soil to dry about 2" down. They thrive in humid environments.
ZZ Plant Care
ZZ Plant Care
ZZ's prefer low to medium light or partial sun - indirect sunlight is best, keep out of direct sunlight. Water once every 2 weeks and let soil dry out completely between waterings.
Pothos Plant Care
Pothos Plant Care
Pothos plants thrive in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight. Water your pothos every 1-2 weeks and let soil dry out completely between waterings. Yellowing leaves are often a sign of overwatering.
Bromeliad Care
Bromeliad Care
Bromeliad plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight. Since bromeliads are native to tropical environments, they thrive in warm, humid spaces. Water every one to two weeks in spring/summer and every two to three weeks in fall/winter months.
Peace Lily Care
Peace Lily Care
Peace lilies thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. They need consistently moist soil, but take care not to overwater. Water about once a week and spritz the leaves daily to keep them hydrated.